

ChatGPT On Electronic Pets

About a year ago I had GPT3 write a near-coherent text about electronic pets, i.e. the category of toys that Tamagotchi belongs to.

It's time to revisit this. This time I used ChatGPT and wanted some opinions. However ChatGPT doesn't strictly speaking have opinions (but biases galore) since it doesn't think. There are of course ways around this.

Tell me about e-pets in the words of someone with a strong opinion of them

As someone with a strong opinion on e-pets, I believe that they are nothing more than a shallow and artificial substitute for real, living pets. While I understand that some people may find them entertaining or cute, I believe that they cannot compare to the genuine love and companionship that can only be provided by a living, breathing animal.

In my view, e-pets promote a culture of laziness and detachment, as they allow people to avoid the responsibilities that come with owning a real pet. They do not require any real effort or care, and can be easily ignored or forgotten about. This lack of accountability can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding for the needs of real animals, and can contribute to the mistreatment of pets in the real world.

Furthermore, e-pets are a poor substitute for the many benefits that real pets can offer. Real pets provide emotional support, companionship, and can even improve physical health by reducing stress levels and increasing exercise. E-pets, on the other hand, cannot provide these benefits in any meaningful way.

Overall, I believe that e-pets are a shallow and superficial attempt at replicating the joy and companionship that real pets can provide. While they may be entertaining for a short period of time, they ultimately pale in comparison to the genuine love and connection that can only be found with a real animal.

Tell me about e-pets in the words of someone with a strong positive opinion of them

As someone with a strong positive opinion on e-pets, I believe that they are a fun and engaging way to experience the joys of pet ownership without the added responsibilities and costs that come with owning a real animal. E-pets can provide a sense of companionship and entertainment that can be especially valuable for people who may not have the time or resources to care for a real pet.

One of the benefits of e-pets is that they are low-maintenance and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that people can enjoy the company of their e-pet at any time, whether they are at home, work, or on the go. Additionally, e-pets can be customized and personalized in a way that is not possible with real pets, allowing people to create a unique and special bond with their virtual companion.

E-pets can also serve as a valuable educational tool for people of all ages, teaching them about the responsibilities of pet ownership and the importance of caring for animals. Many e-pet games and apps include educational components that teach children about the needs and behaviors of different animals, helping to foster a sense of empathy and understanding for the natural world.

Overall, I believe that e-pets can provide a valuable and enjoyable experience for people of all ages, helping them to connect with animals in a unique and engaging way. While they may not be a substitute for the genuine love and companionship that comes with owning a real pet, they can serve as a fun and rewarding addition to people's lives.


Coherent! And opinionated! And of course completely useless. But still. Nothing in this text is presented as fact, which makes it all the more believable from a human point of view. ChatGPT can't be trusted to be factual, as I and many others have discovered. The very first thing I asked ChatGPT to do was to tell me about Antarctica, and one of the things it told me was that "the now extinct Emperor Penguin" used to live there. As far as I know it's not extinct. Yet.

-- CC0 Björn Wärmedal