

Looking for Freelance Experience

Life has thrown me a curve ball, and I suddenly find myself having a few hours extra time each week. If possible I'd like to spend some of that time trying out freelancing gigs. It's not that I need more work or money, but rather that I've been wondering what self-employment would be like. And now I have an opportunity to try.

My day job is as a devops engineer for a large streaming company. I have a decade of experience in the field by now, mostly as a sysadmin and devops engineer (I've been a developer from time to time in that span too). I spend most of my working hours fiddling with Google Cloud Platform nowadays.

The kind of work I'd like to do on the side is more traditional sysadmin stuff, and more... I dunno know how to put it, but more human scale. I'd like to help people set up and operate systems that are reliable enough, and have enough features. I get what I need of the "we handle serious amounts of data and hundreds of millions of users and all the micro services and caching and distribution and want ALL THE UPTIME!" at my job.

Does this sound interesting to you? I'd like to bill €150/h, if possible, since I'm looking for shorter contracts and expect low volumes of work. I'm open to billing less if what you're proposing sounds fun.

I'm based in northern Sweden, and would like to work fully remote and when I can fit it into my schedule. Be advised that I have a non-compete clause in the contract with my current employer, although quite frankly if I wanted to do more of the same I would just work full time instead 😉️

This is a completely new situation for me. If you have any tips, or is interested in hiring me, or is just curious about my thinking or skills, please reach out! My contact info is on my main page:

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Feel free to contact me for any other reason too 🙂️ I enjoy social interactions.

-- CC0 Björn Wärmedal