

Advent of Bloggers 2021, Dec 2nd

I will try to each day until Christmas Eve present one blog or gemlog that I follow and explain why I follow it, and maybe even link to a few posts that I particularly like.

Today I present to you:

🤖 kelbot's gemlog.

I love this gemlog. Kelbot writes about life in general, with thoughts, reflections, and insights. I'm obsessed with the logs where kelbot describes life with an old Palm Pilot, using it for offline-first life. I am equally obsessed with the twice-monthly smolZINE that kelbot produces.

In between those series I very much enjoy the general atmosphere and mix of topics that come up. There's everything from baking, videogames, and records (those three are all just from the latest post) to kombucha, or the coming portable gaming console playdate.

Some Posts I really Enjoy

Computer Pranks and Fun

smolZINE in the Flesh

My Life On Two Wheels: A Reflection On Bicycles

If you're coming from the web and don't have a gemini browser then feel free to use my browser-in-browser Wobbly to check out kelbot's capsule and gemlog.

-- CC0 Björn Wärmedal